4B. Designing, Implementing, and Defending Source of Income Discrimination Laws
This workshop will highlight best practices in the drafting and enforcement of source-of-income discrimination laws to protect Housing Choice Voucher families, and will also cover techniques used in successful campaigns to pass local laws, community outreach to introduce a new source-of-income discrimination ordinance to the community, and common attacks on these ordinances by landlord groups, and how to counter them.
AAGLA City of Santa Monica’s draft Notice of Motion and Motion for Summary
AAGLA Conformed Notice of Motion & Motion to Intervene_ P&As_ [Proposed]
AAGLA Interveners-Defendants’ Notice of Motion & Motion for Summary
AAGLA v. City of Santa Monica Complaint to Intervene
Post v SF Amicus Brief for – Tenants Together
SD Municipal Code SOI – Article 08 Housing (1)
Source of Income Discrimination and Fair Housing Policy by Tighe and