Tools for Tenant Advocates
Source of Income Laws and Emergency Rental Assistance – Advocacy Tips
This resource from NHLP, Poverty & Race Research Action Council, and National Homelessness Law Center provides tips for advocates on how to use source of income protections to increase the ability of renters to access and use emergency rental assistance. (October 4, 2021)
Emergency Housing Vouchers
NHLP FAQ and Advocacy Tip Sheet for Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHVs). You can find out whether your local public housing authority was awarded EHVs on HUD’s website here, under “List of Awardees.” More than 600 PHAs were awarded a total of 70,000 vouchers. (UPDATED September 12, 2022)
Template for pro se motion to appoint counsel in a pandemic eviction case
Sample brief that advocates may adopt for use by pro se tenants in their jurisdictions, seeking appointment of counsel in a summary eviction case (August 16, 2021)
Immigration Restrictions in Rental Assistance Programs
The immigration restrictions under title IV of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) only allow “qualified” individuals to have unrestricted access to rental assistance programs. However, PRWORA coverage varies program to program, and there are important exceptions that allow undocumented and other non-qualified individuals to access programs covered by PRWORA. This is an outline of various programs that can be used to provide rental assistance and the ability for undocumented immigrants to access these programs. (January 8, 2021) NHLP also has this analysis about immigration requirements for ESG, HOME, CDBG, CRF, ERAP, and FEMA assistance. (Updated January 29, 2021)
FAQ on Assistance Based on Immigration Status in a Variety of Housing Programs [English] and [Español]
For more general information about immigrant eligibility for assistance among a variety of programs please see this FAQ in [English] and [Español].
What Housing Assistance Is Available to Immigrant Survivors During COVID-19?
This new resource from the National Alliance for Safe Housing and the National Immigrant Women’s Advocacy Project describes what help, including emergency shelter and housing assistance, is available for survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, and human trafficking during COVID-19. As COVID-19 has exacerbated housing instability among survivors, it is critical survivors and their advocates understand what housing assistance, emergency shelter, and other public benefits they are eligible for.
Housing Q&A for Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence During COVID-19 (November 2020)
This resource, presented in a Q&A format, outlines basic information for survivors of domestic and sexual violence who rent their homes and who may have concerns about housing stability during the COVID-19 epidemic. The National Alliance for Safe Housing and NHLP jointly developed this resource.
Protecting Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence During COVID-19: A Q&A for Housing Providers (November 2020)
This resource, published by the National Alliance for Safe Housing (NASH) and the National Housing Law Project (NHLP), provides information for owners and landlords in a Q&A format on how to help tenants/program participants experiencing domestic or sexual violence during the current pandemic.
Eviction Predictor Tool
Tool by global consulting firm Stout for estimating number of households at risk of eviction nationally and by state, as well as number of anticipated case filings and other information. (posted July 30, 2020)
Flyer for Public Housing and Voucher Tenants on the Federal Eviction Moratorium
This is a flyer created for tenants by NHLP and the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials. (June 15, 2020)
Federal Court Challenges to State Eviction Proceedings During the Covid-19 Pandemic
This memo discusses possible avenues for challenging local courts or state court systems under federal claims based on the due process, the CARES Act, or fair housing theories to stop them from hearing some or all residential eviction cases during the Covid-19 pandemic. It also discusses standing requirements, abstention doctrines, Anti-Injunction Act, judicial immunity, and Eleventh Amendment concerns. (May 29, 2020)
Procedural Due Process Challenges to Evictions During the Covid-19 Pandemic
This NHLP memo explores due process arguments and defenses potentially available to individual tenants facing eviction during the COVID-19 pandemic, including issues related to notice of proceedings, difficulties with investigation and hearing preparation, and challenges presented by remote hearings. (updated May 22, 2020)
Tenant Rights of Domestic Violence Survivors During COVID-19: A Resource for Domestic Violence and Housing Advocates
This NHLP resource for advocates provides a brief overview of the housing rights of survivors in the context of COVID-19. (May 4, 2020) En español: Derechos de las inquilinas sobrevivientes de violencia doméstica durante la epidemia de COVID-19 Un recurso para defensores de víctimas de violencia doméstica y de acceso a la vivienda (May 14, 2020)
Does a New Federal Law Protect You from Eviction?
This fact sheet for tenants was created by NHLP, the Alliance for Housing Justice, and the National Low Income Housing Coalition. En español: ¿Le ofrece la nueva ley federal protección contra el desalojo? (May 5, 2020)
Analysis of HUD’s Public and Indian Housing Waiver Notice
NHLP’s analysis of HUD’s PIH Notice 2020-05 regarding COVID-19 statutory and regulatory waivers includes (1) an overview of the notice (2) a list of key policies for advocating with your local PHA, (3) a summary of available waivers for the Housing Choice Voucher and Public Housing programs that impact tenants’ rights and housing access. (April 23, 2020)
Reasonable Accommodations and Disability Discrimination in the Context of COVID-19
This NHLP analysis provides an overview of the relationship between COVID-19 and the ability of tenants to obtain reasonable accommodations from their landlords. (April 6, 2020)